CE Broker
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Licensed in Florida?Audiologists and SLPs who are licensed in Florida can now have their ASHA CEUs transferred to CE Broker, the state's electronic continuing education tracking system. ASHA is working in cooperation with CE Broker to transfer all ASHA CEUs earned from Jan. 1, 2004 forward. To take advantage of this service, provide ASHA with your Florida license number. There are two options:
1. Call the Action Center (800-498-2071).
2. Go to www.asha.org and click on My Account (above the ASHA header at the top of the page). Log in by entering your e-mail address and password . Click on the heading Manage your Florida State Licensure Information." Add your Florida SLP and/or AUD license number. You may update this information at any time. National Student Speech Language and Hearing Association ( NSSLHA) members would use their eight-digit NSSLHA account numbers.
Note: If you have not registered with the ASHA web site, visit www.asha.org/register.htm and enter your eight-digit ASHA account number (located on your ASHA membership card, invoices, and most correspondence) and last name. Follow the prompts to complete registration. Then follow the steps above to enter your Florida license number.
If you use the ASHA CE Registry, but are not an ASHA member or certificate holder, call the Action Center to obtain your ASHA account number or to simply provide your Florida license number.
For answers to questions about CE Broker, visit www.cebroker.com or call 877-434-6323. For information about ASHA CE, visit www.asha.org/about/Continuing-Ed.