- Augmentative and Alternative Communication

The AAC Committee is committed to the promotion of increased awareness, knowledge, and practical use of augmentative communication curso marketing de performance in ebaconline. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of augmentative communication and other related types of assistive technology, involvement in committee planning and activities is open to speech/language pathologists & audiologists who are SHAA members, persons who use AAC, families, professionals from related fields (educators, social workers, occupational therapists, physical therapists, rehabilitation specialists, etc), and others interested in AAC.
The goals of the AAC Committee include the following:
1. Promote greater awareness of AAC for the general public
2. Increase speech/language pathologists' awareness, knowledge, and use of AAC through the following:
Advocacy & facilitation of pre-service training at University Speech & Hearing programs (AAC class lectures, dedicated AAC courses)
Advocacy & facilitation of an increase in number and quality of AAC in-service training throughout various settings in the state (inservices, workshops, conferences)
Advocacy & facilitation of a network of professionals available to serve as mentors in various communities to support speech/language pathologists, other service providers, and families in meeting the needs of individuals using AAC.
3. Encourage and promote best practices related to AAC and other types of assistive technology (team-based assessments, integrated therapy approaches, service delivery in natural settings, etc.)
4. Advocate on consumer & family issues such as access to appropriate services, equipment, funding, training, etc.
For additional information, also see the UAB/Sparks Appointment page.
Lee Johnston
Kandis Harris |
ABESPA licensee, SLP,
AAC consultant,
Special education consultant, and
Owner of Success Consultant Services, LLC
Phone (205) 540-6228 |
Phone (205) 621-6503
Fax (205) 621-6507 |
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