Procedures for Managing Alleged Ethical Violations
Members of the Speech and Hearing Association of Alabama (SHAA) shall uphold the Code of Ethics of the Association while performing their professional duties.
Alleged ethical violations shall be reported to the Chair of the Ethical Practices Committee (Chair) in writing including any evidence of alleged ethical violations. Letters shall be sent to the Chair of the Ethical Practices Committee ~ Speech and Hearing Association of Alabama ~ PO Box 1731 , Athens AL 35611 .
Once the complaint is received by the Chair, the Chair shall request a signed Confidentiality Waiver from the complainant indicating that he/she will allow the Ethical Practices Committee to disclose his/her name should it become necessary during investigations.
The Chair shall notify the SHAA member of the complaint, in writing, within seven days of the complaint. The notification shall include a request for written explanation of the alleged ethical violation including evidence to support the member's defense.
Once written explanation of the alleged ethical violation/s is received from the complainant and/or the SHAA member, the SHAA Ethics Committee shall convene in person, by electronic means or by teleconference for review and/or investigation of the alleged violation/s.
If the SHAA Ethical Practices Committee determines, by majority vote, that there is sufficient evidence supporting the alleged ethical violation, the SHAA member will be given written notice of the findings of the committee. The notice shall include the violation being charged, the circumstances of the alleged violation, and the specific rules being violated.
The SHAA Ethical Practices Committee shall sanction the SHAA member based on the severity of the violation and history of prior ethical violations. A majority vote by the SHAA Ethical Practices Committee is required to impose a sanction. One or more of the following Sanctions may be imposed:
Cease and Desist Order with Reprimand Letter.
Letter Requiring Mandatory Continuing Education.
Probation or Suspension of SHAA Membership.
Revocation of SHAA Membership.
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*A full report shall be sent to the Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology indicating the findings of the SHAA board.
If it is determined that the SHAA member was not in violation of its Ethical Practices:
Findings of the investigation shall be provided in writing to both the complainant and the SHAA member and the case will be closed.