Speech and Hearing Association of Alabama

Advancing the disciplines of speech-language pathology and audiology,
especially here in Alabama.

Home & Contact
Scholarship Fund
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1. Select the fees that apply to you for SHAA Membership and/or Convention.
2. Click "Add to Cart."
3. When ready, click "View Cart."

SHAA Membership Dues

Current SHAA Members, if there has been no change in your contact information, there is no need to submit a new form. Just be sure to identify yourself as you send your payment. {:-)

Everyone else needs to send in a form, either a ...
SHAA Membership Form, or SHAA Membership and Convention Registration. Thanks!

SHAA Membership (based on your professional status)

(This button allows you to use PayPal's secure site with a credit or debit card. You do not have to have a PayPal account.)

Convention Registration Fees (depending on your professional membership/s)

Current SHAA Members with no change of contact info do NOT need to send in a form. {:-)

Otherwise, you'll need to send in a completed Convention Registration Form. Thanks!

EarlyBird - before Jan. 31
Advance - after Jan. 31
OnSite - at the hotel

Will You Attend the Business Luncheon at Convention?

Luncheon Attendance
Dietary Preference

(These buttons allow you to use PayPal's secure site with a credit or debit card. You do not have to have a PayPal account.)

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