The membership of this association consists of five classes:
- Active - a master's degree or equivalent
- Associate - a bachelor's degree in any one of the communicative disorders - paraprofessional individuals - individuals interested in the field, such as physicians, special educators, etc.
- Student - undergraduate and graduate students in the field of communicative disorders
- Life - Active members, upon attaining the age of retirement, may apply for and automatically receive honorary Life membership with annual dues being waived. (See application form for curso packaging design.)
- Corporate Contributing - Businesses or corporations wishing to support the work of the Association.
A Message From Dr. Jennifer Vinson
Welcome! We want to extend to you an invitation to renew your membership or become a new member of SHAA. This is a critical time for the professions of audiology and speech-language pathology. Over the past few years many changes have affected our professions including the implementation of the $1,500 Medicare cap (Part B outpatient services for SLP and PT), cuts to state education and federal budgets, downsizing of programs, and successive waves of lay-offs of friends and colleagues. All have negatively impacted us as professionals and have negatively affected our clients/students with hearing, speech and language impairments.
We as members of SHAA are challenged to search for solutions to problems created by these changes and are challenged to be creative in these solutions. The challenges can be met and solutions found with your help.
We have potential that cannot be realized without you. It is imperative that we demonstrate an active and visible involvement within our state organization in order to be effective at the national, state and local levels.
SHAA's strength comes from
1. the number of members it represents,
2. the financial resources available, and
3. volunteer involvement.
You can increase membership, financial resources and member involvement by renewing your membership. Most importantly, you can make a difference; your voice, your support, your input, your influence are all needed. Please join your hardworking SHAA officers and SHAA special committee members. I was so impressed at the last Executive Council meeting by the way these individuals worked together to ensure your growth as a professional and insure quality client care. There are some exciting changes taking place in this organization. Be a part of them!
Read the latest membership update.